
Some basic data and visualizations for Library centric data generated by Brock Library

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Library Data for Visualizations


The Library at Brock University generates a lot of data. Some of that data can be found in this repository. Everything is in csv files and are hopefully easy to understand. There is some template code for generating basic visualizations using D3

Live Version of Site || Git Repository

Students in Sessions

Data Files

students_in_sessions_2017.csv link

students_in_sessions_2018.csv link

students_in_sessions_total.csv link

Data is in two columns, date and number of students that were in a session.

Visualization files

students_in_sessions_2017.html Uses D3 to create gitHub style calendar of students seen per day for 2017 Data students_in_sessions_2018.html Uses D3 to create gitHub style calendar of students seen per day for 2018 Data students_in_sessions_total.html Uses D3 to create gitHub style calendar of students seen per day for all recorded Data


Please clone this repository and generate your own interesting and unique visualizations.